So, here it is!
People have been asking me about the intimate cream and its functions.
Saya nak explain tak pandai sangat, so I cilok this from Ikin's multiply:
Now, for the FEMININE SET. (highly recommended to be used by Married Women)
It consist of the Feminine Wash & the Intimate Cream (and that's why I say for Married women). Both the wash and cream is made from VCO and Manjakani. Well, by now, you should know the benefits of VCO right? Anti-virus & anti bakteria. So, the wash helps to kill any bakteria. Jadi tkderlah yeast, gatal-gatal, keputihan or bau. Bagus jugak utk yg sakit puan mcm STDs etc. Yg manjakani ni lak, selain drpd kasi bau yg sedap (both bau mcm sabun baby!!!! i likeeeee!), dier ada tightening effect. Faham-faham sajalah maksudku.
Untuk wash, gunakan 2-3 titik je. Boleh digunakan hari2. utk cream, recommended to sapu di luar dan sedikittttt di dalam, 5-10 mins sebelum intercourse. Menurut lady boss, cream ni syiokknyer lbh pada wanita sebenarnya.
It consist of the Feminine Wash & the Intimate Cream (and that's why I say for Married women). Both the wash and cream is made from VCO and Manjakani. Well, by now, you should know the benefits of VCO right? Anti-virus & anti bakteria. So, the wash helps to kill any bakteria. Jadi tkderlah yeast, gatal-gatal, keputihan or bau. Bagus jugak utk yg sakit puan mcm STDs etc. Yg manjakani ni lak, selain drpd kasi bau yg sedap (both bau mcm sabun baby!!!! i likeeeee!), dier ada tightening effect. Faham-faham sajalah maksudku.
Untuk wash, gunakan 2-3 titik je. Boleh digunakan hari2. utk cream, recommended to sapu di luar dan sedikittttt di dalam, 5-10 mins sebelum intercourse. Menurut lady boss, cream ni syiokknyer lbh pada wanita sebenarnya.
Dengar khabar the intimate cream is the rage at my mummy's workplace.. Teeeheee..
Basically, theres so many other products lah. Complete beauty care, slimming lotion (this one I can't wait!), the sabuns (which I love. When are the new stocks coming in?!!!). Nak citer panjang2, malas lah... If you want to know more, termasuk price listing and all... saya rasa go to her multiply straight lah! Senang citer!
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