Thursday, May 05, 2005

Someone told me early in the morning that he hoped that I'd have a fun day today. Well, maybe I will..maybe not. But I'm going around with a heavy heart. And when the heart is heavy, it is hard to have a fun day.

I had a tiff with Shahreil again yesterday. What's may ask.. Hehehe..We argue all the time that sometimes I really wonder why we are still together. I'm still trying to figure out the dynamics of a relationship. That sounds so scientific huh. Hahah... In simpler words.. what is a good relationship? If two persons are so in love..why do they argue all the time? If love is so wonderful and can make you laugh like there's no shit at all in your life, then why can they hurt you so much? Its all a big question in my head. A heavy heart and a heavy head. Fuck. Luckily I'm not that heavy..( hey..I'm 47kg now ok!~)

Me and Shahreil. We are so different. In looks of course...I'm the more good-looking version.. he has big ears while i have big ermm...big..nvm.. He has a JLo butt..mine looks like errmm.. Ally McBeals'?? I have a degree..(Hah! I win this one!) But he always beat me at boggle and scrabble and who wants to be a millionnaire..(But ITS ME who has the bloody piece of paper that states that I'm a bloody graduate!)

Other than that.. we have different perspectives of EVERYTHING else.
I want to ride a huge, tonggek, flashy bike but he's happy with his little vespa.
I want to be romanced and he thinks its Romen. (which is of course different even though the word romen came from romanced)
I want to have lots and lots and lots of money in the bank..but he thinks that money is to be spent and no use getting stressed up when you have not much savings even though you have worked for like 3 years.
I want to keep a kitten as a pet. He doesnt want to.
I want to live in Punggol. He wants to stay near Alif.
I want to go Buru. He hates Buru.
I want to watch mindless action movies with endless fightings and explosions. He wants to watch arty farty movie which sometimes drive me nuts.
I want us to still dress nicely when we go out and he doesnt care how we look like.. slippers, sans makeup, dishevelled hair..anything.
I like to talk as in TALK. He likes to do nothing together.
I'm a morning person. He is an owl.
My life revolves around HIM. His life around Alif and whoever is there at Alif.
I like to have long conversations on the phone. He likes to call and ask how are u and put down.
I like to settle arguments right there and then. He wants to have space to cool down.

See.. we are two very different people.

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