Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Maybe I'm getting old.
Maybe I'm no longer hip.
Maybe I just don't get teenagers nowdays.
I can give you one long list of things, but for today I'll just talk about one thing that has been irritating me a little. Or a lot, depending on whether I'm pms-ing or not.

Everyone has some kind of nama manja/timangan/ glamer or whatever you call it. Nobody gets called by their full name, other than during doctor's appointment or interviews or some really formal stuffs. But do you realise that the nama glamer of kids nowdays are NOT glamourous at all. Some of them are downright stooopid and insulting. Why would you want to be called Nina Pantatz? Or IraBeylo? Or AzmiKecikkz? Sedap ke? Suka ke dipanggil beylo? Kalau saya lah yang dipanggil beylo, mengamuk sakan gamaknya tau.. But you yourself choose to be called that? I don't get you lah, kids.

Maybe KRU is right...

Tiap generasi punya citarasa sendiri
Gaya nan terkini irama muda mudi
Fikir cara terbuka jgn pandang negatif saja
Inilah caraku.. biarku dengan jeans biruku..

Korang kalau minat KRU, taulah lagu apa eh.
SO, lantak koranglah nak oi...
But Ryan, I chose a perfectly nice name for you. Don't you go and butcher it up in the future.
Or I will butcher YOU.

P.S:Ibu loves you!

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