Monday, November 30, 2009

I Love You So...

Ryan in his Liverpool jersey(bought by Uncle Halem), which nearly caused his daddy to disown him!
" Do you love me everyday?"
you ask with suprise
"Or does love come and go like passing butterflies?"
I love you as steady
as the moon and the sun,
though some of our days
are not full of fun.

"Like when you feel mad?"
you ask with distress,
"cause I've broken the rules
or made a big mess?"

I love you when you are nice.
I love you cranky, too.
I love you without liking
the naughty things you do.

My 'love you' doesn't change
like the weathers of the days.
It's a certain kind of thing
in many different ways.
-Marianne Richmond' (I Love You So..)

It does get tough sometimes, especially since he has learnt to protest/cry/whine to get what he wants. And boy, he sure does know what he wants!
It's funny to both Shahreil and I sometimes when family and friends keep asking if Ryan ever cries at all, since I have to admit that he is mostly a happy and cheerful boy. Well, he does. Especially at Jelebu where he tends to get clingy as I suspect he gets a little lonely and craves for our attention. And it's funny that even when he's being so difficult we still find him cute and how we think that he looks so adorable when he's crying. (ok, at least 75% of the time... the other 25% I feel like tearing my hair out!)
And I guess I should treasure these moments when all he wants to do is to be with me, before he gets to the age when it's no longer cool to be seen with his mom. (Yikes!)
Ibu loves you, Ryan Iskandar.
We'll go to the playground once you wake up, alright?

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