Saturday, September 24, 2005

I Fought, but I Lost

A student of mine quit school yesterday.
When I first heard the news, I felt a sudden emptiness in my stomach.
Another student leaving. Another failure on my part.
I know I can't blame myself for my students' own foolishness.
I know I should heed Shahreil's advice and be like most of my collagues and just not care so much about these unthinking teens.
But I can't. I entered this profession because I cared enough. I wanted to make a difference in these young people's life. I wanted to help them.
And I tried to help in every single way.
I talked, I lectured, I scolded, I listened, I cared.
But it never seems enough.
And it hurts most when you've spent so much emotionally, but you still lost them in the end.

And I can't help thinking, maybe if I had done this or that a little bit more.. I could have stopped it from happening.

I don't know.
I'm beginning to lose faith.
And I pray that I will never turn to be one of those teachers who couldn't care less about their students.

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