Sunday, September 25, 2005

My grandparents held a kenduri today.
Basically it's for my aunt who's going off to Mecca in a few days time.
So, today, I want to talk about family. Specifically, my family.

I miss such family gatherings. I still remember the time when gatherings like that was very common. We had one almost every 2 months. And how I always looked forward to them.
I always see it as an opportunity for all of us, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cuzzies to get together and just enjoy each other's company.. And enjoy we did. Such occasions were always filled with laughters.
I loved being with all of them. We were all such happy-go-lucky people.. Unlike my dad's side of the family who are more serious, prim and proper.. these people were more open and sporting. We could joke with my uncles and aunties like old time friends.

But things changed. Just look at today. Not all the families were there. Lame excuses given. Can't they be more creative? Fall sick EVERY time there's a kenduri? Oh puh-leez!

I really HATE them for what they did to my parents. I hate them to the core! Brainless people with baseless and vicious accusations. They made me lose faith in family ties. Really. Sometimes I look at my siblings and think to myself, one day, they will turn against me like my mum's siblings turned against her. So, why bother being nice to them?

BUT I promised myself that I will not let my siblings have the same fate as my parents. No way.

I read something from the net today, and somehow it struck a chord with me.

Ingatlah orang yang memutuskan tali persaudaraan akan menerima laknat daripada Allah S.W.T.
Ketika Nabi berada di Arafah pada waktu Isyak bersama-sama sahabat, tiba-tiba beliau bersabda yang bermaksud:
Aku tidak menghalalkan siapapun yang pada petang hari ini dalam keadaan memutuskan tali silaturahim kecuali dia harus meninggalkan kami.
Dan yang jelas rahmat Allah tidak akan turun di tempat yang ada suatu kaum yang memutuskan hubungan silaturahim.

The point I'm trying to drive across is, Those people will have to answer to Allah for what they have done and said. And I am looking forward to that.


Anonymous said...
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StimGam said...

alamak. takut ah nak kahwin dgn u cam gini.. hehehe.. takdelah.. don't think ur siblings would be stupid enough to follow the footsteps of their aunties and uncles. they have seen it for themselves. and if they do stray, remind them of the "good" old days. cheers darling!