Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I feel like walking away from it all.
And never ever come back.

Losing my much needed sleep.
Waking up when the sun has yet to rise.
Standing for hours and hours.
Frantically zapping worksheets after worksheets, and having to deal with the problems given to me by the ever-cranky machine.
Spending weekends planning 'creative' lessons.
Being a mother, sister, friend, welfare officer, counsellor, nurse and any other person I need to be at the moment for you.

Yet, once again, you disappoint me.
Once again, you break my heart.
Once again, you made me question myself.
Once again, you made me feel like giving up.

Why am I still here?
Why am I enduring all these?

Dear Allah,
Please give me strength.
Please show me that what I am doing is, worth doing.

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