Sunday, August 19, 2007

Weekend Getaway

Hey, I'm back from my KL trip!
It was a really short trip, but I guess, well worth it.
The main purpose of the trip was to purchase my wedding stuffs.
Yeah, you may wonder why go so far..? I guess, this just gave us an excuse to go to KL.
Highlights of the trip:
1) We took Aeroline, which was made us felt like we were taking the plane, instead of a coach.
They served us food, desserts, beverages. Provided us with blankets. And we had a movie
marathon. Best kan???
2) There were only 4 of us. Me, Ikin, Mummy n Daddy, which of course, led to less stress/arguments. Hehehhe..
3) Impiana KLCC Hotel was really lovely. Very simple yet classy. And the hotel was full of rugby players who were there for some kind of tournament. VERY VERY HOT, I tell you. Ikin and me ended up peeping at them swimming from our room. Damn! If only I had brought my tankiny along!
4) The shopping at Masjid India was memuaskan. Back when I was like 20 years old, I stumbled upon a shop there with Ikin n Kak Lin. The shop basically sells gubahan hantaran nyer benda2. I remember us saying that when we get married, we will buy our stuffs from there. And I can't believe it came true.
5) Ikin's friend, Su, fetched us later that night. She brought us to eat Satay Kajang, yang diidam-idamkan oleh my dad. I've always wonder what was the fuss all about... I mean, satay is satay lah kan.. Tapi, yesterday's satay was like super smackaronie... Mampos ah camni... Kalau idam nak makan satay kajang, mana gua nak carik???
6) After sending dad and mum back to the hotel (we stayed at SU's house to let mum n dad have their honeymoon), we went to meet Zaki at.. I have no idea where. Zaki is a guy I got to know from Friendster a few years back. He has came to visit us in Singapore a few times and now it's his turn to be our host. We just lepak-lepak and talked nonsense till 1 am.
7) Sleeping at Su's house was nice as well. Macam dalam drama-drama ah rumah dia. But I was a bit nervous cos, rumah banglo besau, tapi yang tinggal cuma 4 anak dara ni jer... And I found out that rumah dia dah dua kali kena rompak. Tapi, mata dah ngantuk nyer pasal...baring jer... terus sampai ke bulan.
SO..that's about it. And yeah, on the trip back home, we sat beside this Indon guy. Muka taklah hansem mana kan. Tapi once he opened his mouth and started talking.. both me and Ikin couldn't stop dooling. That accent!!!! Super sexy. Hahah..

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