Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday's over!
I always feel much better on a Monday night.
The day wasn't that bad.
Lessons were a breeze.
And suprise suprise.. Anang was on MC today.
Notti eh! Too bad for NUS, good news for me.

Walked round and round Marina Square, me whining about my tired feet.
Anang was sweet enough to be understanding about that.
He even offered to massage them.
BUT! We came up with a better idea!
We went to both OGAWA and OSIM to try their feet massage!
Before you guys start saying, eh eh.. teruknya budak berdua ni..
Let me assure you, we really are thinking about getting one ok.
So, we asked all the serious questions.. It's a bonus that our feet got pampered at the same time.

Anyways, I love my Anang.
Puke, if you want.
I don't care.
I love him lots and lots and lots.
The thing is, he irritates the hell out of me.
But the more irritating he is, the more adorable I find him.
Let me tell you a secret...
I always eksen bingit when he bite/geram-geram/cubit me...
But the truth is, I love it.
I don't need sweet nothings.
The cubits are enough to make me feel loved.

Here's the pics of our debut into the hip hop world.
And Patrick..can I have the videos please!

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