Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The renovation has started.
For those of you who are clueless, let me explain.
My parents decided to renovate all three toilets in the house.

Reason given: The toilets in dire need for a renovation.
Actual reason: Nak sambut menantu.

Which is kind of silly actually, cos Shahreil has been using our toilets for the past 8 years!
Well, suka hati dorang lah eh...
I will benefit from it also. Walaupun cuma untuk beberapa bulan sahaja.

So, now the upper floor is in a mess.
We can only use the toilet in the kitchen, which is sucky cos I've never ever in my 11 years there, ever bathed in it! The only times I've been in that toilet, are when I need to fill the pails with water to mop/water plants.
I survived (THIS MORNING, at least!) imagining that I'm bathing in Buru. (the toilets there are so much worse but I never seem to mind)
SO, yup.... 2 weeks of torture.
Shahreil no longer need to complain that I take so long to bathe.

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