Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pissed off..

I'm sick of all the nonsense that my students are giving me. Very sick. What kind of students are we producing? Selfish..ignorant..self-centred. They think their world is THE world. They are so oblivious to other things other than them. They think the world is unfair to them..they think that everyone has done some kind of injustice to them. They have no sense of direction and purpose in life. They think they are carrying the world's biggest problems on their shoulders. Oh PLEASE! Their problems are nothing compared to what other kids their age are suffering. Poverty, rape, hunger, deaths... And here they are, complaning, whining and crying over silly things like broken friendships.. stress (over what?! they don't even care about their studies!).. and all sorts of nonsense. Sometimes i feel like slapping their face until they really wake up from their neverending slumber. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do they want in life? Freedom , one girl told me. And this coming from a girl who comes home at 2 am every day. Hah! Is she even thinking? Nope. Does she even know what freedom is? Apparently NOT!

What about those girls who have barely reached puberty..who smoke because they are stressed. What the f%@! I have nothing ot say about them.

And the gang who walked around the school during lesson time like they are some kind of bigshots. What's in their head????

I'm totally pissed. I'm feeling totally pissed at myself for feelin so helpless and not being able to do anything to help them. I'm supposed to be making a diff in other people's life. But am i?

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