Saturday, October 06, 2007

I'm a happy woman today.
Waking up at 10am and realising that this month's pay is in, helped me achieve that state of mind rather easily.

Me and Ikin had an important mission.
At exactly 12 noon, we set out to Geylang to find our baju raya.
Shahreil has been such a darling, accompanying me to Geylang on 2 occassions to look for my baju raya.
But I guess, for such a mission, I need a partner of the same gender, whose response to my questions of whether a particular baju is nice, goes beyond, 'Ok, cantik..' or 'not bad...'.
I'm a WOMAN! I want to look gorgeous.. NOT not bad.
(guys.. take note!)
Anyways.. I assumed that we'd take one whole day.
But suprise..suprise...
We found our bajus, the second shop we stepped into.
The good thing about going with Ikin is that we both have the same good (ahem!) tastes.
The moment we saw the displays 3 metres away from the shop..we gasped!
30 minutes later, we stepped out of the there with 5 bajus.. 2 for me, 2 for Ikin and 1 for mommy.
So, no more baju raya dilemma from me.
Life is good, baby!

I thought of baking some kuihs tonite, but I've got some missing ingredients.
Have to wait for Ikin to come back with those things.
Tonite, I'm making my favourite Kornflakes Madu and the recipe I copied from momma-in-law's thick recipe book, Coffee Cornflakes Cookies.
But now, I'd just rilek for awhile and then start marking those exam papers I've been trying to ignore the whole afternoon.

Fatiah is sleeping over tonite!! YEAHHHHHhhhhhh..
I love cousins coming to sleepover cos it means giggly gossipy late nights...
And tomorrow, the cousins are going to berbuka sama-sama! (Like FINALLY!)
I can't wait!

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